Profesionálne zemné práce a údržba komunikácií pre vašu spokojnosť

Naša spoločnosť, Zemné práce Štefan Tarhanič, ponúka komplexné služby v oblasti zemných prác a údržby miestnych komunikácií. Sme odborníci na hĺbenie rýh, úpravu terénu, demolačné práce a zimnú údržbu ciest. Spoľahlivosť a precíznosť sú našimi prioritami.

5/8/20241 min read

A street undergoing construction, with a yellow excavator in the center lifting dirt. Surrounding the construction site are tall buildings on both sides of the street, with various shops and parked vehicles. There is a blue container labeled 'KWS' on the left and construction materials scattered throughout the area. The sky is partly cloudy.
A street undergoing construction, with a yellow excavator in the center lifting dirt. Surrounding the construction site are tall buildings on both sides of the street, with various shops and parked vehicles. There is a blue container labeled 'KWS' on the left and construction materials scattered throughout the area. The sky is partly cloudy.

Zemné práce odborníci